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Blog Category: Epistula

Recipe: Pizza Toast

Recipe: Pizza Toast

Epistula | 1 Minute
Recipe: Molasses Sandwich Bread

Recipe: Molasses Sandwich Bread

Epistula | 1 Minute
Classic Crackle Top Brownies

Classic Crackle Top Brownies

Epistula | 2 Minutes
A Solar Eclipse in a Nutshell

A Solar Eclipse in a Nutshell

Epistula | 4 Minutes
Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Epistula | 5 Minutes
What, No Technology?

What, No Technology?

Epistula | 4 Minutes
Why We Homeschool

Why We Homeschool

Epistula | 4 Minutes
25 Years...and Counting

25 Years...and Counting

Epistula | 4 Minutes
Following a Fellowship

Following a Fellowship

Epistula | 6 Minutes
A Passion for Latin

A Passion for Latin

Epistula | 5 Minutes
A Letter & A Gift

A Letter & A Gift

Epistula | 6 Minutes
The Making of Many Books

The Making of Many Books

Epistula | 2 Minutes
A Frontline Report from China

A Frontline Report from China

Epistula | 4 Minutes
So, What Should You Do?

So, What Should You Do?

Epistula | 3 Minutes
Get on the Bus?

Get on the Bus?

Epistula | 5 Minutes
Christmas is Over…Or is It?

Christmas is Over…Or is It?

Epistula | 3 Minutes
Teaching a Child with ADHD

Teaching a Child with ADHD

Epistula | 5 Minutes
Learning to Say “No”

Learning to Say “No”

Epistula | 6 Minutes
The Homeschool Supermom

The Homeschool Supermom

Epistula | 7 Minutes
How Do We Compare?

How Do We Compare?

Epistula | 3 Minutes
Teaching Truth

Teaching Truth

Epistula | 3 Minutes
From the Classroom: True Son Becomes No Son

From the Classroom: True Son Becomes No Son

Student Spotlight | 4 Minutes
From the Classroom: Futility Live Online Poetry

From the Classroom: Futility Live Online Poetry

Student Spotlight | 2 Minutes
How Easter Killed My Atheism

How Easter Killed My Atheism

Epistula | 4 Minutes