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Epistula | 3 Minutes

How Do We Compare?

How Do We Compare?

Competition is a funny thing. My wife raised four, maybe five, boys (heh, heh). She’s a competitor, too. She ran track at Vanderbilt. But the level of competition she was exposed to in our home was a new level. Sometimes she found it nerve-racking. Her frustration reached its all-time limit one day at Disney World. She shrieked, “You guys can’t even wait in line without competing at something!”

I grew up competing and still love it. Golf is my main outlet. There’s something about preparing through disciplined practice and then putting what you’ve prepared to the test that has always captured my interest. Not so with everyone. Years ago I played a lot with RC Sproul. He was good—good enough to compete. When I tried to encourage him to enter tournaments, he wanted no part of it. He had enough stress and competition elsewhere in his life, he said. To him, golf was for relaxation, not competition.

In today’s world there’s no avoiding it. Churches compete for members. Ministries compete for resources. Veritas Press is in a competitive field, too. We were first to do many things, but competition quickly emerged. Today you have many options to buy curriculum and take online classes. For you to have choices is a good thing. We—and our competition—are not for everyone. You have to find what suits you and your children best.

For instance, Veritas is academically rigorous.  We highly value training students to do and love hard work. The fulfillment they experience from a hard job, well done, gives them (and us) great pleasure. We hear it every day. Others don’t have the same standards. Different strokes.

We thought you’d find it helpful to see how we compare. So, we’ve created a chart for you. With charts can come frustration. A chart that only tells you the facts about the organization can be wearisome.  You’ll only know how it compares to others by gathering the information on the others. That’s one ditch. The ditch on the other side of the road is to name the competition. Some find no problem with this. That’s not our style. If we were comparing ourselves to Amazon, we would. But naming our brothers in Christ with whom we compete seems best not done. In many cases they’re friends, even customers and we theirs.

This comparison chart is timely because registration for the 2019 – 2020 school year opens up at noon, Eastern Time, as follows:

Feb 1: Full time (classic level) students 

Feb 4: Returning students and siblings 

Feb 6: Open registration

We would be thrilled for you to allow us to partner with you in the education of your children. Write us at or give us a call at 800-922-5082 with your questions or to help you determine if Veritas classes are right for you.