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Field Trips

Veritas students not only study about places around the world. They experience them. Nothing makes history come alive more than seeing where it took place first hand! Mark Twain wrote, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetative in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." Students and family members have traveled to a growing list of destinations that includes Italy, Greece, Germany, France, and Switzerland to personally encounter what they've read about in their Omnibus studies, and these locations are just the beginning.

Mission Trips

Veritas's mission trips might be better called "service learning" trips because students will be actively engaged in helping others, serving them in various ways. While helping, students will learn through the work they do. Whether it's helping on a construction site for the Waorani people in the Ecuadorian rainforest, learning from Christian lawyers who advocate for abused women and children in Washington D.C., or learning from pilots and engineers who deliver literature and food to people in need in Malawi, students will be presented with many opportunities to learn how they can use their knowledge, gifts, and talents to serve others.


Student Government

VSA’s student government is a practical opportunity for students to demonstrate leadership. Each class, 7th - 12th grade, is led by a president, vice president, and secretary. They lead Student Connections discussions, serve as liaisons with school administration, play key roles at the End of Year Gathering, and more. Officers are selected by peers through annual elections – a riveting time of persuasive campaigns, creativity, and a bit of competition.


Student Connections

Full-time secondary students gather by grade level twice monthly online to talk about everything from politics to poetry to pastries. Okay, forced alliteration, we confess. Students pray for one another, share stories, play "get to know you" games, debate favorite movies, share some good counsel on how to survive exams and college applications, and talk about upcoming school events. Class Officers lead the fun and discussions. Friendship, camaraderie, and community are just some of the significant benefits found in our full-time school community. Oh, and what would Connections be without themed costume parties and karaoke?





adverb & adjective

1  in a smooth, flowing manner, without breaks between notes.

The VSA Yearbook, Legato, captures the essence of our student body–a group that works together demonstrating the love of Christ in all things. As one of VSA’s clubs, students help to capture and document fond memories for students and their families each school year.



Personal interests often carry students beyond the classroom, and VSA’s clubs are the perfect outlet. Whether you’re interested in exploring Computer Programming with a Silicon Valley engineer, Chess with a National Master, or Biology with an ornithologist (bird-man), there’s a good chance VSA offers something that will appeal to each student.

Club Listing

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