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Strategic Partners


Strategic Partners

Veritas Scholars Academy is pleased to partner with the Paideia Scholarship Foundation to support students who would love to be part of the school but simply cannot due to financial need. Every year, generous donors make classical education from a Christian worldview possible for VSA families who otherwise don’t have the resources.


Cairn University

Veritas Scholars Academy has partnered with Cairn University to offer valuable dual enrollment credits to full-time (diploma) students. Enrolled students receive credit on their high school transcript and college credit at Cairn University. Veritas offers a guarantee so that if the college credit cannot be used, all fees are refunded.


WORLD News Group and WORLD Magazine

Composition I and Composition II are the composition program recommended by Veritas. It was developed in partnership with the staff at WORLD Magazine. WORLD is known for its clear reporting of current events and news from a biblical worldview and for their excellent writing staff. So many times what children learn is theoretical in nature. We are pleased that through our composition curriculum your children can learn from and be inspired by those who actually write for a living. Our relationship with WORLD extends beyond the curriculum into a host of joint projects, shared marketing efforts, and more. We are very pleased to introduce the Veritas Family to WORLD and its array of offerings.


College Scholarships

Veritas Scholars Academy is pleased to offer merit-based scholarships exclusively available to students in our Diploma Program who have demonstrated academic excellence and leadership. These scholarships are the most valuable scholarships offered by our partner institutions and are indicative of the extraordinary capabilities of VSA graduates.

Friends of Veritas Press


Association of Classical Christian Schools

ACCS is organized to promote, establish, and equip member schools that are committed to a classical approach in the light of a Christian worldview.

It is the primary public advocate for classical Christian education. It offers an extensive array of member services to help build distinctive schools, and it provides accountability through accreditation. The ACCS seeks to set an educational standard for a unified and directed approach to classical and Christian learning.


Classic Learning Test

The Classic Learning Test (CLT) was founded in 2015 to provide alternative standardized testing rooted in tradition and using modern technology. CLT offers students from diverse educational backgrounds an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate their academic formation. More and more colleges are seeing the value of this test for college acceptance consideration every year.

The CLT is the most accurate and rigorous measure of reasoning, education, and academic formation. It features passages from great works across a variety of disciplines and cultures. Students take the exam online in just two hours.


Davenant Latin Institute

Veritas partners with the Davenant Latin Institute as a good option for students who have completed our highest level of Latin to go “further up and further in.” The Davenant Latin Institute offers a robust program of online and occasionally residential intensive courses in Christian Latin, primarily aimed at seminarians, pastors, and graduate students, although advanced younger students are also welcome to participate.


Great Homeschool Conventions

GHC promotes numerous regional homeschooling conventions each year. Homeschool moms and homeschooling families attend from all over the United States and Canada. Every conference is exceptionally run by its outstanding staff.

Each GHC convention has a huge homeschooling curriculum and resource exhibit hall featuring the finest curriculum available. The regional GHC Homeschooling conventions also provide hundreds of workshops from which homeschooling parents may choose to the most applicable for them.

Veritas Press is a vendor at many GHC conventions. Marlin and Laurie Detweiler are frequent speakers at convention workshops.


Ligonier Ministries

Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. To that end, Ligonier’s outreach today is manifold and worldwide. Having been founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971, Ligonier’s teaching fellowship consists of theologians, pastors, and scholars who teach through Renewing Your Mind broadcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books through the Reformation Trust Publishing division, and hundreds of teaching series. The ministry also offers an undergraduate degree program through Reformation Bible College.

Dr. R.C. Sproul and his wife, Vesta, were instrumental in shaping the work of Veritas. Their friendship with the Detweilers influenced many initiatives of Veritas Press.


Society for Classical Learning

The SCL has existed since the mid-1990s to facilitate and encourage thinking and discussion among professionals associated with Christ-centered education in the liberal arts tradition. The Society provides a forum in which educators can share wisdom, experience, and ideas as they deepen their understanding of classical theory into everyday, real world education. The Society is committed to historic Christianity as expressed in the Nicene Creed and to exploring the relationship of Christ to the broader culture.