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A Letter from the President | Welcome to the 2024 School Year!

Marlin Detweiler Written by Marlin Detweiler
A Letter from the President | Welcome to the 2024 School Year!

Veritas Families,

I don’t know about you but summer has flown by for us. We can’t believe that another school year is at the doorstep.

The political climate has been at the center of many conversations. Election years are like that, but this one is charged with a bit more emotion than most. And that’s an understatement. Several have commented, including yours truly, that a classical Chrsitian education has never been more important–maybe more necessary. Many of you know this already. For those that don't, we want to help you understand that you’re at the right place with your children. Two books that I’ve read recently highlight this quite well. I think you’ll find them very helpful. Here are links:

Wiser Than The Machine

Wiser Than the Machine: The Value of Classical Christian Education in an Age of Artificial Intelligence

By Dr Michael Collender, Dr. Jonathan Shaw

- carefully outlines what AI is, what it isn’t, and why it will never replace the classically educated

Battle For The American Mind

Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation

By Pete Hegseth, David Goodwin

- looks carefully at the history of how we got to this place culturally and what we need to do about it

We are thrilled to be starting our 19th year of online classes. Our first year included one teacher and two classes with 18 students each. This school year, we begin with more than 10,000 students from more than 70 countries. We have 175 teachers. More than 90% of our teachers are returning from last year. In the last several years we’ve added more and more courses after 5:00 PM Eastern Time to serve students in the Far East. This year we’ve added quite a few. Another fun statistic is that we have 24 sections of Algebra I alone, with nine teachers to serve them.

Isn’t it thrilling to be part of seeing God fulfill the mission of Restoring Culture to Christ one young heart and mind at a time? We rejoice to see young men and women grow into adults who love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Our teachers, administrators, and staff all join you today in praying that your children will take with them and their education at Veritas a heart for God that will enable them to not only withstand the evils of the world but overcome them with the Good News of the gospel.

It will be hard work, but it’s good work.

On behalf of our teachers, administrators, and staff, know that we are committed to serving your family for God’s glory to the benefit of your children.


Marlin Detweiler
