It’s often difficult for children to understand the true meaning of Easter. Lots of kids (mine included) think Easter is about the Easter bunny bringing treats to good boys and girls much like Santa does on Christmas Eve. But how do we talk to our kids about Christ’s death without putting a damper on their holiday? How do we convey to them that the real celebration of Easter is even better than egg hunts and Easter bunnies?
As a fairly new mom still dealing with lots of “firsts”, I did some research on the best ways to talk about such a heavy subject and here are some things that have worked for my kids:
Here’s a fun way to read the story of the first Easter.
I like to call it Unscrambling the Eggs. Cut out the strips of paper with parts of the Easter story from our FREE printable. Place one strip in each plastic egg. Hide the plastic eggs. Let your children find the eggs, and when they’ve found all #, they must open them and put the strips of paper in order to tell the Easter story. An added bonus is if you want to throw in some trinkets like cloth for wrapping Jesus’ body in cloth or bread crumbs for the Last Supper.