Toni Payne has a love for learning and a love for Christ; these affections have fueled her service to classical, Christian education for over a decade. She has been teaching at Veritas Press since 2021 and continues to love the community here! Before coming to Veritas, she served as a classical educator and tutor in various settings, teaching high school students across many subjects using dialectic tools and the canons of rhetoric. Having attended Bible School at Toccoa Falls College for her undergraduate degree, Toni later completed an M.A. in Classical Studies with a concentration in history at Southeastern University.
When not reading or studying, she loves to be outdoors with her family: going for long trail runs, backpacking in the southeast, or working on her property. Toni became a Christian after high school when she began to see her sin and need for a savior. The good news of God’s grace was life-changing, and she has never stopped growing in wonder at God’s amazing love and mercy. Toni currently serves at her church by volunteering in the children’s ministry, regularly teaching in the special needs class, and serving on the missions team. She lives just outside of Tallahassee, FL with her husband Aaron, an air traffic manager with the FAA. They have three grown children: one who teaches fourth grade at a classical school, and two others who are minoring in classical education at Reformation Bible College (it is a family passion!). They also have two younger sons who are still being educated at home. Toni is dedicated to helping other families give their children a classical, Christian education and continues to pursue her own education and growth to that end!