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Dr. Hannah Bergren

Dr. Hannah Bergren

Dr. Hannah Bergren has made teaching and helping students succeed a priority and commitment in her life since she was a teenager. Her considerable teaching experiences have varied from the swimming pool, the music room, the Sunday school room to the college classroom, and her students have varied from infants to adults returning to school after many years. The majority of Hannah’s teaching experience has been in her favorite subject, mathematics, at the college level where she taught subjects ranging from Pre-algebra to Differential Equations.

Hannah holds a B.A. in Mathematics and Music from Lawrence University and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Montana State University. She enjoys spending time with her family outdoors in God’s beautiful creation, going for walks, playing in the park, hiking in the mountains or simply spending time in her garden. She is also an avid coffee drinker and enjoys trying out new coffee shops.

Born and raised in a large Christian family in Montana, Hannah was saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus at a very young age and strives to grow closer to God each day. She currently resides in Billings, MT with her husband Jacob, a software developer, and two young children whom she plans to homeschool.

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