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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy experiencing the magic of Christmas through the eyes of the children in our Christmas video. 

As often as seasons come and go, the reminder of WHO we celebrate in Christmas never gets old. Immanuel, God with us, came to earth to save us from our sins! What more glorious news can be celebrated? 

Today wanted to take a moment to wish you ‘Merry Christmas!’. What a blessing we have in sharing a Savior, Christ Jesus, who has given us the greatest of all gifts. 

May you be blessed this Christmas and as the New Year quickly approaches. Take a deep breath, be refreshed, and hit the New Year running. 

In Christ, 

The Veritas Team

P.S. We thought your family might enjoy these Christmas Day Projects your family can enjoy doing together. Enjoy creating this Birth of Christ Lap Book project, or make some last-minute ornaments together!