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Student Spotlight | 2 Minutes

2024 EOYG Recap

Marlin Detweiler Written by Marlin Detweiler
2024 EOYG Recap

“I’d better go home. I have 650 of my closest friends coming over for dinner tonight.”

The line above is one of my favorites to produce shock with my friends. The annual End of Year Gathering (EOYG) includes a picnic in our backyard. This year, out of the total 1,100 attendees at the Gathering, 650 came to the backyard barbecue. It was magical.

For 19 years now Veritas has hosted the EOYG to celebrate the school year that just finished. It includes graduation (commencement), baccalaureate, a dinner dance for whole families, and many other award presentations and activities.

For Laurie and me, one of the highlights this year was our graduation speaker. It was our long-time graphic designer and author friend, Ned Bustard. His speech was masterful. Be encouraged to listen to it HERE.

For those who’ve not experienced online education or Veritas’s expression of it, I have something to tell you. Rarely, have I seen a more cohesive community that, more than anything else, wants to honor God with all their being. Many think this is not possible online. It is.

In a world where hope can seem elusive, I’m here to tell you that the students at VSA are prepared for the future in ways that I wish I had been. They are extraordinary kids, from extraordinary families, all over the world.

This was the best EOYG yet, and I expect I’ll say that after 2025, too. Come join us. You’ll be thankful you did.

EOYG 2024 Group Photo