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Curriculum | 3 Minutes

Classical Christian Education Online: The Veritas Press Approach

Classical Christian Education Online: The Veritas Press Approach

Veritas Press is where classical Christian education comes to life in the most wonderful way, delivered through a unique and effective live online learning environment! Our virtual learning experiences guide students through every stage of the Trivium—Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric—making the homeschool education journey interactive, fun and successful for your family. Discover each stage of the Veritas Press online journey below:

Veritas Grammar Stage Online

The Grammar Stage of Veritas’ online classical Christian education program starts in third grade. Your students are able to actively engage in all the familiar elementary age classroom activities, but it's all happening online! Thanks to webcams, we are able to engage in vital personal communication during class time. Our platform covers it all—we have Breakout Rooms for group projects, teachers effortlessly keeping an eye on everything, and a blend of music, photos, videos, and even whiteboards for doodling and sharing. This helps create an online learning adventure where your elementary age homeschool students are sure to thrive.

Veritas Logic Stage Online

In the Logic (or Dialectic) Stage, the classical Christian online educational journey continues! At this stage, students can engage in lively discussions using the Chat Box feature on our learning platform, and participate in fun competitions like Kahoots—providing the interactive communication opportunities needed for successful online learning. Teachers track engagement and ensure high levels of participation throughout all the available classes. The Socratic Method, which fosters active dialogue to explore underlying beliefs, is used through presentation slides or anticipatory questions even in the online environment. The various strategies used at this stage in the live online learning environment aim to capitalize on the energy and curiosity of the students, offering diverse opportunities for participation and learning.

Veritas Rhetoric Stage Online

Teens in the Rhetoric Stage of classical Christian education embark on a journey that's not just about learning—it's about growing, connecting, and exploring together. Your homeschooled teen will use online tools for activities like virtual biology dissections, group work, impromptu speeches, and mock trials. In this stage of life—where respect and meaningful tasks matter—our online curriculum steps up to the plate. It is not just challenging intellectually; it is a space where teens find purpose and depth in their studies and myriad ways to grow in Christ in the learning community. Students can engage in lively discussions and debates based in Biblical worldviews, acknowledging diverse perspectives in an environment where every voice is heard.

Veritas Press aims to empower students by providing classical Christian education through a dynamic online platform across all stages. From the foundational Grammar stage to the thought-provoking Rhetoric stage, our approach is all about making every phase of learning an adventure. With a focus on integrating traditional activities and advanced technology, our approach ensures a connected and intellectually and spiritually enriching experience for students at every phase of their learning journey.