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What's the Difference Between an Academic Advisor and a Family Consultant?

Ashlyn Fabrick Written by Ashlyn Fabrick
What's the Difference Between an Academic Advisor and a Family Consultant?

Academic Advisors vs. Family Consultants.

Being a Family Consultant at Veritas Press is a joy because I get to connect with families each day. During a Free Consultation, I’m able to hear some of the student’s goals and the family's needs. Family Consultants work hard to keep up to date with the newest course offerings, important upcoming dates, and all services Veritas provides. Family Consultants can provide the information you, as a parent, are looking for to help make the right choices for your student.

Here are questions often answered by Family Consultants:

  • I am just starting my homeschooling journey and have questions.

  • Should my student be Part Time or a Full Time Diploma student?

  • How do Live Classes work?

  • My student is new to Latin; which course should they start in?

  • Is a Self Paced course a good fit for my student?

  • Does Veritas offer Educational Accommodations? How do they work?

  • What are the differences between Saxon and Math U See?

  • What are the benefits of the full-time Diploma Program?

  • Can you explain the differences between Premium and Classic service levels?

  • Does my student need to take ALL 6 years of Omnibus in the full-time program?

  • Can you explain the different tracks in the Diploma Program?

After a Family Consultant answers all those questions for you, you may find yourself interested in our Diploma Program. Once you are enrolled in the program, your student is assigned a dedicated Academic Advisor to keep your student on track not just to graduate but to excel based on their unique interests and learning style. I love our Academic Advisors. Our Academic Advisors work with students K-12 year after year and help parents feel confident in the course plan their student is on. They truly take a lot of worries away!

Here are questions often answered by Academic Advisors:

  • Will my student be ready for college?

  • Which graduation track should my student take?

  • What courses will look good on the high school transcript?

  • Which courses should my student take?

  • Are there college scholarship opportunities?

  • Is Dual Enrollment right for my student?

Not only do Academic Advisors answer these questions, but they keep track of your student and are available to meet with you throughout the year with concerns or questions. If you’re a Premium Diploma family, an Academic Advisor will also sign your students up for classes for you after you’ve met with them to create a plan.

The short and skinny of it is that Family Consultants help brand new families seeking info on Veritas and Part Time families with basic questions, while Academic Advisors help Full Time Diploma students throughout the year.