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Blog Tag: Mathematics

From the Classroom: Saxon Geometry

From the Classroom: Saxon Geometry

VeritasLive: Academic Electives at VSA

VeritasLive: Academic Electives at VSA

Veritas Scholars Academy | 39 Minutes
Why Study Mathematics?

Why Study Mathematics?

Educational Helps | 12 Minutes
Can We Skip Geometry?

Can We Skip Geometry?

Educational Helps | 5 Minutes
The Omnibus & Education's Future

The Omnibus & Education's Future

Podcast | 19 Minutes
Steve Demme: Author of Math-U-See

Steve Demme: Author of Math-U-See

Podcast | 25 Minutes
What is the Classic Learning Test?

What is the Classic Learning Test?

From the Classroom: Geometry Infographics

From the Classroom: Geometry Infographics

Student Spotlight | 1 Minute
The world needs physics – and penguins too!

The world needs physics – and penguins too!

Veritas Scholars Academy | 4 Minutes
Career or College: How Classical Education Prepared Me

Career or College: How Classical Education Prepared Me

Veritas Scholars Academy | 2 Minutes
One VSA Graduate's Love of Pi: Why Pi Matters

One VSA Graduate's Love of Pi: Why Pi Matters

Student Spotlight | 4 Minutes
The Veritas Approach to Math

The Veritas Approach to Math

Veritas Philosophy | 3 Minutes
Learning to Say “No”

Learning to Say “No”

Epistula | 6 Minutes

The Lost Tools of Learning

Educational Helps | 38 Minutes
Is Veritas Just a Bunch of Busy Work?

Is Veritas Just a Bunch of Busy Work?

Veritas Philosophy | 4 Minutes