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Educational Helps | 1 Minute

Fall Leaf Wreath Craft Project

Written by Jesse Brooks
Fall Leaf Wreath Craft Project

One of the best parts about living in Pennsylvania is the fall. The golden sun, the sweater weather, and the changing colors of the leaves are irreplaceable. I also like to take the kids on fall hikes and gather whatever “treasures” we can find. This month we encourage you to get outside and enjoy that crisp fall weather. Gather leaves, acorns, flower petals, and anything else that might spark your child’s interest. Use those things to decorate a fall wreath and talk about the changing nature of God’s creation.


  • Paper plate
  • Scissors
  • Elmer’s glue
  • Leaves and other “treasures” you find on your nature walk


  1. Gather your “treasures” on a nature walk.
  2. Cut out the center of the paper plate to create a ring base for the wreath.
  3. Glue leaves onto paper plate in overlapping pattern.

The more the merrier!