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Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton

Mark Andrew Hamilton taught College English Composition and Literature full-time for 15 years, including five years at Liberty University (2004-2009), 7 years at Shorter University (2012-2019), as well as one year teaching Gap year TEFL writing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2009-2010), and two years at the New York Institute of Technology in Bahrain (2010-2012). His education includes a B.A. in 1996 and M.A. in 1999, both in English, from The Florida State University, and a PhD from FSU in December, 2003 with a major in Modern Humanities and a Minor in Classical Greek Literature. Recently, he has become very interested in teaching the Classics, and so he earned a Master’s in Latin from the University of Florida and has taught Latin for the past year and a half. Mark became a Christian when he was five, more because his parents fed him than because he really knew what he was doing. As he grew older, he began to wonder: was there really a place called Hell? Everybody seemed so nice! He sincerely prayed that God would show him whether or not there really was a Hell. Within two weeks, two people whom he thought to be some of the nicest people he knew had done very, very unkind things to him. As with other times in his life, he believes God was answering his search for truth. One of Mark’s greatest concerns is that Christians express their struggles and doubts – all of which are very similar and have common (and very effective) solutions – in search of wise mentorship. He believes Satan encourages silence and withdrawal, and that God whispers into souls for the opposite. Mark enjoys spending time with his family, reading Greek and Latin, as well as evangelical biblical commentaries (Daniel Bock, D.A. Carson, D. Thomas Lancaster, Leon Morris, etc.), and he also enjoys playing chess. His favorite movie is currently Glory.

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