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Veritas Scholars Academy | 3 Minutes

How to Prepare for and Register for Live Classes

How to Prepare for and Register for Live Classes

Are you ready for Live Course Registration?

Here is your Live Course Registration checklist that will help ensure your registration goes smoothly!

As a reminder, here are the registration dates:

  • December 1, Noon EST: Premium Diploma families (Diploma fee must be paid first by calling customer service, then the schedule is set in a meeting with their Academic Advisor)

  • February 1, Noon EST: Classic Diploma families (Diploma fee must be paid first by calling customer service, then the family can register for classes).

  • February 5, Noon EST: Returning Live Families, non-Diploma

  • February 7, Noon EST: New Families, non-Diploma

Step 1: Schedule a free call with a Family Consultant

  • They’ll assess your child’s learning style and what classes will suit them best.

  • They’ll talk with you about your family’s unique needs and rhythms and help you tailor your class schedule to meet your educational and lifestyle goals.

  • They’ll answer any questions you have about classical education at Veritas and help you know what to expect for the registration process and the upcoming school year.

  • You can schedule a free call with a Family Consultant here!

Step 2: Log in to your parent account

  • Visit to log in or create your Veritas Press account.

  • Our Course Listings will auto-match your time zone if you are logged in and have set your account to your timezone.

  • Watch this video to learn how to create or log into your account:

Step 3: Pin your courses in advance for quick access when registration opens.

  • Pinning courses in advance is a great way to plan and view your schedule all in one place so you’re ready when registration opens.

  • If you hit “Show all,” you can see all the other class times right here where your pins are. This is helpful if you “double schedule” or a class fills up while going to register. It is a faster way to find another time that works.

  • Watch this video to learn how to pin courses:

Step 4: Create your student profile(s)

  • This will allow you to assign courses to your student(s).

  • Watch this video to learn how to add a student:

Step 5: Join the Rewards Club

  • There are multiple benefits of the Rewards Club, so make sure to check out the full details of all that is offered.

  • One major benefit of being a Rewards Club member is that you will receive $100 off your last payment of the Payment Plan per student enrolled in four (4) or more Live Courses. Or if you Pay in full, you get receive $100 off 4 live courses when you pay in full.

  • You must purchase the Rewards Club before you register for classes to get the discount.

  • Rewards Club Terms & Conditions

Step 6: Decide if you’re going to pay in full or make monthly payments.

Have questions about your live registration experience? If you need assistance with our website, email our service team at If you'd like advice on what courses to select or have questions about classical education at Veritas, set up a free call with one of our Family Consultants here!